
Saturday, March 5, 2011


A 15Min Ficlet originally posted here...

"Plati-what?" Aphrodite asked her sister, blinking her large blue eyes in confusion.

"Platitudinous," Athena replied impatiently. She pushed the spectacles she didn't need back up her nose and waggled her eyebrows up and down.

"You <i>know</i> I have no idea what that even means," her sister pointed out turning back to the mirror and her sublime reflection and set her brush back to her hair.

"It's what you were being in the Hall tonight, <i>platitudinous</i>."

"Look, contrary to common belief I'm <i>not</i> dumb. Just because I'm a representation of pure beauty and desire, doesn't mean I didn't come equipped with a brain."

"And yet you still don't know what the word means?"

"No, and repeating it at me will not make me understand it. I thought you were suppose to be smar, why don't you tell me what it means instead of baiting me in this useless fashion," Aphrodite grumbled, piling her blonde-then black- then brown hair up onto her head and admiring herself in the mirror. Behind her, Athena sighed and crossed her arms, shaking her head in some sort of dismay. Aphrodite didn't bother to pay attention to <i>that</i> particular gesture; it was petty and trite.

"It means full of platitudes, as in...boring, basic, <i>dull</i> things," Athena said at last.

"Well why don't we just say 'boring' then, instead of the other word that only the brainy really understand?" Aphrodite asked, poking through a jewelry box to retreive her favourite combs.

"Because that's not the point of <i>language</i>," her sister said wearily, "it's about the beauty of the language, the way it flows, it's meant to make you <i>feel good</i>"

"Like sex?" the other goddess offered, turning around to look at her sister, an earnest expression on her face for the first time.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that, - "

"Right, virgin-goddess, my bad," Aphrodite said waving it off, then her voice took on a rather concerned tone, "but surely you've had an orgasm, you know, on your own?"

Athena turned bright red.

"I will <i>not</i> discuss such a matter with you!"

"Awwww, sissy, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," the Love Goddess said, resting a perfect chin in her perfect hand.

"That is of no matter to you, either way, and you are changing the subject!"

"No I'm not, you said language was beautiful and made you feel good, like sex. I am merely bridging the gap between our two areas of expertise."

Athena stared at her in utter amazement.

"What? I <i>told</i> you I wasn't dumb," Aphrodite chided, and glanced back at her reflection in the mirror, "now, what do you think, blond or brunette?"

I have no idea what universe this takes place in, although it could possibly find a home in the Valerian Night verse. Maybe. I was just having some fun with the words and the idea of barriers and everyone having their own fortes. Just a random piece really.

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